Made-to-order CS Kits
$7.50 - $112.50
Chicago Stenographer: for choc v1 stems
NOTE: Made to order
Wait time is 2~3 weeks
Low profile caps for choc stems with mild sculpt
For 18x17mm spacing.
Material: Porcelain cold cast resin
3x5 30% alphas (8xR3, 2xR3home, 20xR2|R4 )
3x2 2 Columns kit (2xR3, 4xR2|R4 )
1x2 R3 Homing Dots Pair
3x2 Horizontal chord column kit (2x [R2|R4]L, 2x [R2|R4]R, 1x R3L, 1x R3R)
For Thumb and Convex: